Thursday 13 January 2011

First time doing this!

I am so useless with computers - believe me I have just typed an entire paragraph that I quickly lost as I didn't see the "Save Now" button!  I want this blog to be a realistic view of "Living the Dream" or "Starting a New Life" in another country.  Originally from the UK we moved to our small corner of SW France just over 5 years ago, life is good but not always easy!   In a past life I had a job that involved chatting on the telephone all day long and paid quite well - I miss it to a certain extent - talking to a labrador puppy and two jack russells until I leave to get my husband from work and pick my girls up from school........................well lets just say there are too many hours inbetween to fill without having a chat!   I am now a "Housewife" - there, I have written it down, not so bad then - but seriously though despite not having a bean to my name I love it!  Cooking a meal from scratch, bottling all our veg and fruit, gardening and brocanting (flea market shopping) are the things I now have time for ..........note I missed out cleaning and ironing (my two "hates")!  I have dipped in and out of other blogs over the past couple of months, but never leaving comments, just enjoying a moment in other people's lives to pass the day whilst thinking of how to make a creative meal out of mince that we haven't eaten yet this's not easy by time you have reached Thursday morning!  Well that's it the first post, I'll be back......................................

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogville Dee..let the journey begin.I am your first follower, this should be fun..take care.
