Saturday 5 February 2011

Missing the brocante

I can't explain it, its like a physical ache, something you just have to do, go to, pack a lunch for, look forward to.........................the brocante.............
In Spring, Summer, Autumn (not Winter) the brocante prevails.  Every Sunday morning, myself and sometimes the girls if it isn't too hot pack up the lunch and bottles of water and drive for between 1-2 hours away from where we live to go to a brocante.  I love nothing better than going through other people's "tout" searching for that perfect item.  Sometimes you can be lucky and come home with a boot full of wonderful items, other times you could drive for miles to just find one item - it's the luck of the draw.    We have some brocantes this time of the year, but with only 50 or less stallholders standing in the rain, wind and sometimes snow its just not worth the outing, instead to fill my need of shopping for old "stuff" I go to "Emmaus" - a charity depot set up by a French Priest in the 1940's to help mis-placed and homeless people rebuild their lives and homes again.  The charity is still going and is a great place to find old battered furniture, ceramics, kitchen items, clothes, books (a bit like the Salvation Army in the UK) that people donate and other people (like myself) buy.   I am going today - who knows what I will find?

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