Monday 21 February 2011

La Lune & the Pomme de Terre

Monsieur C,  our neighbour who lives opposite us has 3 teeth, speaks patois, one white vest for Summer and a grey jumper for Winter, as well as having the most impeccable veggie plot ever and is a walking oracle on all things vegetable.   We need to put the potatoes in, I remember having a conversation with Monsieur C last year which went a bit like this:-  "blah, blah, can't understand patois French especially with a person with 3 teeth, blah, blah, Lune, blah, blah, blah pommes de terre" .  After much hand gesturing and waving I came to the conclusion that Potatoes (pomme de terres) are best planted when there is a full moon.  I assumed that one does not enter the garden in a flannelette nightie but waits until the following day.  The above photograph was taken last Friday - we eagerly awaited Saturday morning and awoke to thick fog - I couldn't even see our prepared plot at the bottom of the garden.  Never mind Sunday will be fine - it's still a full moon right?  It rained on Sunday, along with more fog and I went to the brocante.   What happens to your potatoes if you don't plant them when there is a full moon?

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